Concourse 2018 Year in Review

2018 has been an action-packed year for us. We saw a major release (Concourse 4.0.0) with a lot of new features: new auth connectors and users, dashboard, distributed GC and other runtime improvements. At the same time our team grew from 3 engineering pairs at the start of 2018 to 8 engineering pairs and an additional PM (👋 Scott Foerster) working on Concourse OSS and supporting Concourse for PCF.
By the Numbers
- 13 releases of Concourse
- 1 TLD snafu leading toour domain change
- 1 new website design
- 2 new ways to contact us (Discord, Discuss)
- 1,070 members on Concourse Discord, 45 members in #contributors
- 937 new GitHub issues created in 2018. Given th at only 1,694 issues were opened prior to 2018, I’d say that’s a pretty big jump in activity!
- 417 PRs, up by 15% from last year
- 3,300 stars, up by 38% from last year
Most Popular Posts
We started this blog in Sept of last year. Since then we’ve had thousands of readers over 70 posts. The top 5 most popular posts are:
- Designing a Dashboard for Concourse
- Getting Started with Concourse on macOS
- Earning our Wings
- Concourse Pipeline UI Explained
- Sneak Peek: Spatial Resources
Thanks to our Contributors
Finally, Thanks to all our contributors across all our repos:
concourse/concourse : edtan, ralekseenkov, SHyz0rmZ, databus23, pivotal-kahin-ng, jmcarp, tkellen, aeijdenberg, rosenhouse, andrewedstrom, baptiste-bonnaudet, PavelTishkin, timchavez, JamesClonk, rfliam, ArthurHlt, christophermancini
concourse/concourse-docker: danielrs, scottbri, dbbaskette, ElfoLiNk, jmcduffie32, SergueiFedorov
concourse/concourse-bosh-release: JamesClonk, ramonskie, avanier, rkoster, SHyz0rmZ, aeijdenberg, jmcarp, ArthurHlt
concourse/docs: vlad-ro, charlieoleary, AnianZ, berlin-ab, a114m, ukabu, arbourd, baptiste-bonnaudet, marco-m, rosenhouse, patrickcrocker, crstamps2, JohannesRuolph, dbp587, headc4sh, aequitas
concourse/docker-image-resource: ghostsquad, dhinus, norbertbuchmueller, hephex, chrishiestand, kmacoskey, irfanhabib, simonjohansson, et7peho, itsdalmo, krishicks, mook-as
concourse/git-resource: norbertbuchmueller, talset, ppaulweber, elgohr, alucillo, goddenrich, njbennett, timchavez, suda, jamesjoshuahill, gcapizzi, mdomke, benmoss, ljfranklin, oliveralberini, krishicks
concourse/s3-resource: ghostsquad, talset, 46bit, bandesz, ruurdk
…and many more. Special thanks to all the contributors who’ve built new resources for Concourse in 2018, contributed to the health of resources and also took over old resources.
See you in 2019!
I hope y’all get to enjoy some time off this holiday season. We’ve got a lot of updates planned for 2019, like our new contributor workflow, Concourse 5.0 and spatial resources! Look forward to an in-depth post from Alex Suraci in the next few days.
Thanks again for all the support, and we’ll see you in 2019!