Concourse Update (August 13–17)

Going to switch things up this week and start with some interesting community news:
- We’ve decided to restructure our repositories to make things more understandable and less scary for contributors. Alex Suraci has laid out a good explainer on why and how we’re going to start in our PSA: the Great Code Restructing of 2018
- Lindsay Auchinachie wrote up a blog post describing some of the visual elements of the Concourse pipeline view in a blog post titled Concourse Pipeline UI Explained
- marco-m has been updating a “concourse-in-a-box” formula that comes with a s3-compatible-store and a Vault. Check it out here:
- concourse-up is a Concourse quick-start tool created created by our friends at EngineerBetter. The team there is looking for feedback on how to support the 4.0.0 authentication scheme moving forwards. If you use their tool, please take some time to give them some love on their GitHub issue
- Is our efforts to have Concourse un-flaky a myth? Find out on this forum post by eedwards-sk, you won’t believe post #4!!
On to some development news:
- We’re still hacking away at issue #2425 “Login session expired” error with multiple ATCs. Please check in on the story to follow along with our plans for a fix (it involves some migrations)
- Praise be, we fixed the UX regression on the resources page where new resources weren’t being highlighted #2423
- Still refactoring away to make way for #2386 in preparation for spaces
- Finished #2352on Configurable timeout for resource checks. Turns out that by fixing that issue we also fixed #2431. We did end up making #2494 though in order to break out the specific ability to configure a timeout for resource type checks.
- Paused work on #2104 on emitting build logs to an external system this week, hoping to pick it back up next week!