Concourse Update (Jun 25–29)

If you’ve been following along with our Auth changes, you’ll know that we’ve been doing a lot of work behind the scenes to make the upgrade into this new world as seamless as possible. This week, we were able to do our first large-scale upgrade test against our Wings instance. The upgrade went well and we were able to find a few more areas of polish before we push this feature. You can find our updated list of future incompatibilities in GitHub issue #2218. Having considered the nature of the breaking changes, the next update of Concourse with Users will push us into4.0.0!!!

I also wanted to take this time to give a big thank you to all of the participants in our spatial resource interview. If you’re curious to see the results of our research please read up on Lindsay Auchinachie’s post here:Designing for Space in Concourse

If you’d like to get your hands on Space as soon as possible, then I’d encourage you to also read and comment on our Resources v2 RFC. Alex Suraci made some recent updates to the proposal so definitely check it out, or read the fully rendered proposal.

We’d like to get the Resources v2 RFC closed out soon so we can implement the resource changes necessary to tap into the full potential of spatial resources!

Some other updates:

  • We fixed a known issue #2300 with the 3.14.x series whereby users noticed a significant increase in CPU usage when connecting with CredHub. This has now been fixed
  • Increased pipeline stability and fixed some flakes with our UI tests in topgun
  • Fixed an issue where the auth token is shown in the address bar
  • Picked up additional pipeline work by adding integration for web PRs


I ALMOST FORGOT! We also improved build page performance #1543! In some instances we reduced the page load time from 25s to only 5s:
