Concourse Update (April 30 — May 4)

I’ve gotten some questions about Freedom Friday from some readers after last week’s update. Well it turns out thatTopher Bullock wrote a great article about it this week; you read up on it here:

We also release Concourse v3.13.0 earlier this week. Make sure you check it out if you were hit by the accumulating logs issue introduced in v3.12.0.

On to the update:


We’ve been building out some of the frontend code for representing Spaces as part of #2131. You can see some of the early visualizations below:

We now have the capability of testing Space end-to-end i.e. write the yml -> fly sp -> check out the web visualization.


Distributed GC on Workers

We’ve been hacking away on master issue #1959 for distributed GC. If you’ve been following along closely you’ll notice that the number of boxes that we’ve checked has increased…and that’s a good thing! We’re in the final stretches of this work and will be prepping to test them in our internal Concourse “Wings” very soon

User Auth

As always, we continue to work on our User Auth master issue #1888. We’ve now transitioned into building out specific auth connectors using the dex library. We’ve completed the GitHub and CF connectors, and are currently working on the generic OAuth provider
