Concourse Update (Mar 5–9)

Whelp, that felt like a long week. If you haven’t heard the news by now you should definitely read Alex Suraci’s post regarding our domain.

I want to take this time to thank the Concourse fans out there who offered their help, support, and positive vibes throughout the whole ordeal. The team here really appreciates it 🙏

Luckily for us this event didn’t consume our entire engineering team. We WERE able to get some issues resolved this week and are planning for an imminent release of Concourse 3.9.2

On to the update:


  • Resolved #1841 “ANSI cursor escapees wreak havoc with Concourse build output”
  • Resolved #1999 where buttons weren’t working on the build page when using Firefox
  • Experimented with adding scroll effects to pipeline names in the Dashboard #2026. It was hilarious and many <marquee> jokes were made.
  • Brought back the/dashboard route to app #2051, which should make you be able to login again #1801

Docker Image Resource

  • Fixed #170. According to GitHub, I’m the original author of that, but I honestly can’t remember writing it. I do remember that it was supposed to help a Concourse user, so hurrah!


  • Resolved #2031 “cannot_invalidate_during_initialization constraint bubbles up to the user”
  • Resolved #2059 and#2058, two similar issues that influenced our decision to make a 3.9.2 patch release
  • Resolved #1499, tasks occasionally failing when interacting with Vault